Sunday, 23 January 2011

Year six get busy in a Science Investigation

We were learning about dissoliving
What speeds up the rate of a reaction?

Planning their hypothesis and deciding what apparatus to use

Gathering things to test

Discussing ideas


Measuring and setting up the investigation

Recording results

Observing what is happening

Finally we wrote our conclusions

The children found out that applying heat was the most effective way of speeding up the rate of a reaction when they were trying to dissolve different substances.

Spotty Dotty

We will be looking forward to taking part in more fundraising actvities this term.  Last term was great fun....
We got spotty....

Year 6 Say Goodbye to Bradley

Last Term Brad was King for a day - We had great fun saying goodbye.

We will really miss him!

View our Poster work Link to our Topic Theme

Our Study of the Pakistan Floods

What did we learn?

From our research on the internet, watching newsclips and video's year 6 worked in groups to produce posters of there findings

Catch Up in Year 6 What else have we done?

Tessellation Fun

We have been learning about Tesselation.

Tesselation is created when a shape is repeated over and over again covering a space without any gaps.  See our work below

 Check out our Tesselation Designs

- Which patterns do you think look like a Tornado Kids?